
NPK for your plants. 15 days once- 10ml per liter of water. Can be sprayed or drenched about 250 ml water per plant. Takes care of your plants macro nutrition NPK requirement.
BCX Complex
Nutrient Range

Kills are pest including sucking and chewing pest more effectively. 2 ml per liter of water 15 days once as foliar spray only.
Disease and Pest Protectants

Organic manure, contains adequate quantity of NPK in organic form for plant growths. It acts as a natural fertilizer with pesticidal properties.
Neem Cake

General pest repellent. Infact controls mosquitos in garden. 5 ml per liter of water 15 days once as foliar spray only.
Disease and Pest Protectant

General bactericide and fungicide. controls all diseases related to pathogens. Usage 2 ml per liter of water monthly once as foliar spray.
Disease and Pest Protectants

Plant growth stimulant. Induces flowers and fruiting.Controls fruit and flower drop. Yield enhancer and climate stress reliever. 15 days once/30 days once – 2ml per liter spray or drench 250 ml water per liter.
Nutrient Range

Rich in micronutrients- Magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Boron, Molybdenum, Zinc etc. Rich in amino acids. They are chelated with amino acids and so nurture your plants in their most critical metabolic activity. 15 days once/30 days once- 2ml per liter spray or drench 250ml water per liter.
Nutrient Range

As plants have diffents leaf types and surface, for effectively spreadin and longer contact time, in spite of climate like hot weather and rainy reason, Prowet helps the sprayer to spread the product more evenly and effectively. To be used along with all products at a rate of 0.5 ml per liter. Mainly it is important to use with pesticide and fungicide. It is a spreading agent to be used in combination and has no use of using it separately.
Sticker or Spreader